The School of Athens

The School of Athens
The School of Athens by Raphael (click on picture to view short documentary from Columbia University)

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Time for some quiet dignity

Colleagues and scholars from coast to coast, across Bass Strait and all the ships at sea.
Dateline: Australia, Federal Politics 2012.

It's time for some quiet dignity.

β€œHe who learns must suffer;
and even in our sleep
pain that cannot forget
falls drop by drop upon the heart,
and in our own despair,
against our will,
comes wisdom
by the awful grace of God.”
― Aeschylus

While reflecting on the photos below, a sublime piece of music to play: The second movement from the 3rd Orchestral Suite in D major, BWV 1068, by Johann Sebastian Bach play here

Photo: Andrew Meares

Photo: David Mariuz

Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Photo: Andrew Meares


  1. Thank you Andrew.

  2. Thank you. That brought tears to my eyes - and it punches Alan Jones (and his apologists )in the face better than anything else could.

  3. Beautiful, compelling, uplifing.

  4. Thank you - most eloquent.
    Such a contrast.

  5. Dear Sir,

    What the earlier commenters have said, in spades. A superb tribute.

  6. My Dad died last year. He inspired me. He formed my politics. He was not an elected official, just a bloke who influenced my views. A good Dad who hoped the best for his kids. He gave me politics not everyone would agree with. So will he get a 10 minute eulogy in Parliament?


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Our home

Our home
Earthrise over the moon (click on picture to view film)

The pale blue dot

The pale blue dot
Earth viewed from Saturn (click on picture to view film clip)

Our neighbourhood

Our neighbourhood
The Solar System (click on picture to view film)

Our Home Galaxy

Our Home Galaxy
The Milky Way (click on picture to view film)

A sister galaxy

A sister galaxy
Andromeda (click on picture to view film)

Another sister galaxy

Another sister galaxy
Triangulum (click on picture to view short film clip)

The Local Group of Galaxies

The Local Group of Galaxies
Our Galactic Neighbourhood (click on picture to view film clip).

Our farthest view of the Universe

Our farthest view of the Universe
Hubble's farthest view (click on picture to view film clip)

The virgo super cluster of galaxies

The virgo super cluster of galaxies
Galaxies within 100 million light years (click on picture to view film clip)

Galaxies within 1 billion light years

Galaxies within 1 billion light years

