The School of Athens

The School of Athens
The School of Athens by Raphael (click on picture to view short documentary from Columbia University)

Monday 6 March 2017

Pauline Hanson is a danger to your kids' health

Fellow citizens,

Dateline: Australia, Pauline Hanson, Vaccinations, March 2017.

This woman is a danger to your children's health.


In 2016 she questioned vaccines, saying this:

"I have had so many people who have brought it to my attention, that's why their kids are autistic" and this "We haven't done the research enough. What is causing these kids to have autism? What is having all the cancer in our community? Have we had enough answers into the cancer?"

On ABC TV's The Insiders program yesterday, she said this:

"I advise parents to go out and do their own research with regards to this [vaccinations]. No one is going to care any more about the child than the parents themselves. Make an informed decision. What I don't like about it is the blackmailing that's happening with the government. Don't do that to people. That's a dictatorship."

Pauline Hanson is seriously deluded.

Once again we have to state long and loud that vaccinations have saved and do save lives - many millions of lives and do NOT cause autism or cancer.

Smallpox? Gone!

It is estimated that as many as 500 million people died from smallpox from 1900 to 1980. Yes, that's right, 500 million. Six times the number of people killed in World Wars One and Two combined.

That equates to an average of 17,000 deaths each day.

Smallpox would kill up to 35% of those who were infected and often left survivors hideously scarred and sometimes blind.

From 1966 -1980 the World Health Organisation undertook a comprehensive vaccination program to eradicate the disease.

As a result of this campaign, this is a photograph of all the people who have been infected and died from smallpox since 1980.

In case that wasn't clear enough, the number of smallpox infections and deaths since 1980 = 0.

Yes, that's right, no one. Not one person. None.

Many other diseases that have inflicted great misery on humanity, such as polio, are close to being eradicated thanks to vaccination programs.

It is grossly irresponsible for public figures such as Ms. Hanson to provide support to anti-vaccination campaigners.

The anti-vaccination campaign is a deeply misguided crusade that purports to be protecting people when, in truth, its recommendation to forgo vaccinations could cause untold misery and death to millions of people.

Its spurious claims are as bereft of intellectual rigour as: thinking that the Moon landing in 1969 was faked, that Elvis faked his death and is still alive, that 1 + 1 = 3, and that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by communist conspirators at the United Nations looking to form a world government.

Ms. Hanson's views on this issue must be relentlessly confronted and exposed for the drivel that they are - each and every opportunity we get.

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